Our talks

Whether you want your people to better understand how to spot the signs of poor mental health and suicide risk in others and how to provide them with support or you want to understand how to introduce a 'Zero Suicide' framework into your organisation, these topics and more can be delivered as talks, workshops and panel discussions by The Jordan Legacy.

Do you want a talk that will help your people understand how they can support each other and themselves when signs of poor mental health are spotted or when there appears to be a risk of suicide or self-harm to an individual?

Perhaps you need your leaders and managers to be inspired, encouraged and more committed to creating a psychologically safe workplace culture?

Maybe your organisation, group, education centre or community wants to know more about how to minimise the risk of suicides by having the appropriate frameworks, policies and procedures in place?

Steve Phillip was a leadership & sales coach and corporate speaker, when, in December 2019, he lost his 34 year old son to suicide. With more than 55,000 LinkedIn followers, Steve delivers impactful and inspiring talks, like his keynote presentation; ‘How to cope with ‘S’ word’, which provides guidance on how to help others spot the signs and provide support to those who are struggling with their mental health or feeling suicidal.

“Steve delivered each talk in an age appropriate manner, in an engaging and powerful way, which those attending continued to discuss long after his talks had finished” : Department of Education / HM Government of Gibraltar”

Steve delivers talks on the topic of suicide prevention and mental health to corporate organisations and communities throughout the UK and overseas, including employees and policy makers in various UK Government departments, as well as the military, UK police forces, companies – large and small, schools and other education centres and community groups and organisations.

“Your talk made such a difference. We immediately saw lots of people come forward and explain how they were struggling with their mental health. We referred many of them to occupational health for support.”

Paul Vittles is a close collaborative partner of The Jordan Legacy, designing and delivering talks, workshops, panel discussion events, webinars & conferences with Steve through The Jordan Legacy as well as his own talks and workshops.

Paul is an award winning professional speaker who has facilitated more than 650 workshops and delivered more than 1000 talks and presentations. He has also lived with his own mental illness for over 20 years. As a Research Fellow, community engagement consultant, coach and counsellor, Paul’s talks and workshops are renowned for their high quality educational content as well as being entertaining!

Paul is available to deliver talks (and workshops) on a range of topics relating to mental health and suicide prevention, and the underlying issues – from better understanding loss & trauma experiences to involving your ‘stakeholders’ in creating shared visions. Paul can tailor to any audience or platform, including tailored versions of The Jordan Legacy’s ‘Zero Suicide Society’ research report and petition to Parliament for a Suicide Prevention Act.

Talks with impact – for more information please email: hello@thejordanlegacy.com

Summary of available talks

“How to cope with the ‘S’ word”; sharing his own experience of suicide bereavement, Steve provides an understanding of the mental health and suicide prevention landscape, how to spot the signs that someone is struggling and how to have a difficult conversation where you might have to ask the question; “Are you considering suicide?” Attendees will take away practical advice about how to support someone who is experiencing poor mental health or feeling suicidal.

“Moving Towards a Zero Suicide Society” – for communities, education settings and workplaces this talk, is drawn from The Jordan Legacy’s action-research project report on how to create a society that is willing and able to do all it can to prevent all preventable suicides. The talk examines the various pieces of the jigsaw, from community solutions, to creating psychologically safer workplaces, improving mental health service provision, making better use of digital technology solutions and other pieces of the puzzle which create a ‘Zero Suicide Society’, including The Jordan Legacy’s petition to the UK government to introduce a Suicide Prevention Act.

“Having Difficult Conversations, including The ‘S’ Word” This smaller group workshop session gets managers to consider the ‘difficult conversations’ they have to frequently face at work, such as employee performance, disciplinary issues, redundancy etc. A highly impactful interview follows, where Paul asks Steve about the difficult conversations he had to face following Jordan’s suicide and conversations he had or didn’t have with Jordan himself beforehand. The session culminates in a discussion with workshop attendees about the interview and how they can take what they have learnt back into the workplace to help them manage future ‘difficult conversations’. All attending will receive a written ‘tips & resources’ guide.

“Gaining an Understanding of Loss”; This powerful talk highlights the many different types of loss experiences there are, referring to Paul’s personal loss experiences and his studies into loss & grief as part of his counselling training; and how better understanding loss can help reduce the number of suicides. Paul will be delivering this particular talk at this year’s Hope for Life (UK) Conference on December 1st in Harrogate, North Yorkshire.

How to request a talk

Who would you like us to speak to?

Paul and Steve enjoy presenting to any audience, including schools, communities, and workplaces. Let us know who your audience is and what you would like to achieve as an outcome from the talk.

“I spoke with several parents following your talk at the school, who said they were physically impacted by your words and would be changing their behaviours toward suicide prevention in future.”

For further details and to book The Jordan Legacy to speak at your event, please email: hello@thejordanlegacy.com

With more than 1 million views on LinkedIn and hundreds attending our webinars in 2023, our ground-breaking ‘Moving Towards a Zero Suicide Society’ action-research project report and our petition to the UK government requesting they introduce a Suicide Prevention Act to minimise suicides has captured the interest of many who have been impacted by suicide (professionally and personally) and those who have not had any encounter with suicide also.

Paul and Steve are now available to deliver talks to audiences and on platforms which will help deliver these actions.

Can you help us deliver our ‘Zero Suicide Society’ + petition talk to:

  • government (national, regional, local), MPs, peers, political party conferences
  • All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs)
  • public policy conferences, public service leaders’ events, etc
  • professional societies (health professionals, education professionals, police, lawyers, architects & designers, engineers, technology professionals, researchers, etc)
  • professional bodies in industries or sectors (e.g. construction, energy, finance, hospitality, transport, utilities)
  • any societies or networks focused on leadership, systems change, etc

Suicide can affect anyone, and our ‘Zero Suicide Society’ programme of talks and workshops are also transferable to any transformational change challenge most organisations face today.

The Jordan Legacy is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC). We do not charge fees for our talks. Instead, we ask that you consider providing a donation to support our work in suicide prevention. The amount of the donations we receive for our talks varies and we would be happy to provide you with further information about this. Please email: hello@thejordanlegacy.com

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