What we do
Throughout the year, there are a range of different activities we undertake to support our Mission of moving towards a 'Zero Suicide Society.' Here are just some of the main ones.
Autumn 2024 and beyond
Currently we are working on 2 important initiatives:
- ‘One Voice, One Hope’ a national initiative to create a collaborative network of all those who operate in the suicide prevention space to work together on specific, practical areas of suicide prevention – more information available here.
- A North Yorkshire initiative (where The Jordan Legacy is located) where we will be applying, in our communities, workplaces and schools, the principles of the report, ‘Moving Towards a Zero Suicide Society‘, which we published in 2023 – this would involve pulling all the pieces of the jigsaw together and the practical actions required to reduce suicides in this region.
Although The Jordan Legacy is not a training company or a crisis helpline, we have become recognised as facilitators of practical solutions to help prevent suicides.
This means that we:
Deliver talks; we can come into your workplace, school, higher education centre or community setting to help your people understand how they can support each other and themselves when signs of poor mental health are spotted or when there appears to be a risk of suicide or self-harm to an individual.
Our talks can help your leaders and managers to be inspired, encouraged and more committed to creating a psychologically safe workplace culture. Or maybe your organisation, group, education centre or community wants to know more about how to minimise the risk of suicides by having the appropriate frameworks, policies and procedures in place? Learn more
Help you develop highly effective Wellbeing Improvement Teams –
A unique offering from The Jordan Legacy, Wellbeing Improvement Teams are a way for your organisations to develop new ideas, run specific projects or initiatives or solve problems to help improve employee wellbeing and create a psychologically safe and thriving workplace by using the skills and imagination of your workforce.
Running Wellbeing Improvement Teams also provide opportunities for team members to gain real job satisfaction and motivation, whilst improving the job satisfaction and motivation of employees who are not in the team.
For more information about how we can help you introduce Wellbeing Improvement Teams into your organisation please email hello@thejordanlegacy.com.

We also..
Deliver free to attend online educational panel events to discuss important and topical issues and share practical solutions to help prevent suicides. Learn more
Hold our Hope for Life (UK) Conference and awards event in Harrogate, North Yorkshire – to inspire and bring hope to an average physical audience of 130 people. Learn more
Provide vital Help and Support resources on our website, signposting people who need support with mental health issues or concerns about suicide. Learn more
Broadcast our fortnightly online radio show, Jordan’s Space, which now has more than 30 shows accessible to listen to on our website, providing valuable lived experience stories, bringing hope and inspiration to a global audience. Learn more
Post important articles and blogs via the ‘Latest’ news section of our website, where we share articles and updates about our research, advocacy and campaigning to minimise suicides, including our ‘ground-breaking’ “Moving Towards a Zero Suicide Society” report, our petition to parliament, which exceeded 10,000 signatures and our no punches pulled response to the Government’s National Suicide Prevention Strategy. Learn more