Our talks

How do you prevent a suicide? What can your school, workplace, community or you personally do to ensure that we begin to reverse the increasing numbers of deaths by one of the most preventable causes in society? The Jordan Legacy has a reputation for delivering inspiring, lived experience talks, which will make you think, reflect and believe that it is possible for us to move towards a 'Zero Suicide Society'.

Do you want a talk that will help your people understand how they can support each other and themselves when signs of poor mental health are spotted or when there appears to be a risk of suicide or self-harm to an individual?

Perhaps you need your leaders and managers to be inspired, encouraged and more committed to creating a psychologically safe workplace culture?

Maybe your organisation, group, education centre or community wants to know more about how to minimise the risk of suicides by having the appropriate frameworks, policies and procedures in place?

Steve Phillip was a leadership & sales coach and corporate speaker, when, in December 2019, he lost his 34 year old son to suicide. With more than 57,000 LinkedIn followers,

Steve is co-author of the ‘ground-breaking’ report; “Moving Towards a Zero Suicide Society” and delivers talks on the topic of suicide awareness and prevention to corporate organisations, charities, education centres, the Police, the Military and other organisations and community groups throughout the UK and overseas, including policy makers in various UK Government departments.

Watch Steve’s TedX Talk; ‘Zero suicide-creating ripples of hope’ below:

“Your talk made such a difference. We immediately saw lots of people come forward and explain how they were struggling with their mental health. We referred many of them to occupational health for support.”

Talks with impact – for more information please email: hello@thejordanlegacy.com

“Steve delivered each talk in an age appropriate manner, in an engaging and powerful way, which those attending continued to discuss long after his talks had finished” : Department of Education / HM Government of Gibraltar”

Summary of available talks

How to Navigate the ‘S’ Word

Understanding what can lead to someone deciding that suicide is the permanent solution to an often temporary problem and how to support that individual by opening up an often difficult conversation. Includes how to ask constructive questions, how to listen effectively and how to signpost to appropriate types of support. This talk finishes with tips on how to look after our own wellbeing and mental health – ideal for  adult audiences. A version of this talk can be delivered to young people from school year 12 and 13.

Zero Suicides – Creating ripples of hope

First delivered by Steve as a TedX Talk at UWE in 2024, this talk explores the impact of suicide on society and how we can all play a role in in helping prevent all preventable deaths by suicide and the practical actions required to get the numbers on a downward trend towards Zero – ideal for communities, workplaces, associations and groups.

Coping with stress and anxiety

Educating young people and staff about the impact of poor mental health and how to support those who feel stressed or anxious – ideal for schools, Years 11-13.

Creating a psychologically safe workplace

Looks at employee wellbeing through the lens of organisational culture, people, systems and processes – ideal for any business employing 5 people or more.

How to request a talk

Who would you like us to speak to?

Steve has delivered talks to schools, communities, and workplaces throughout the UK and overseas. Let us know who your audience is and what you would like to achieve as an outcome from tone of Steve’s talks.

“I spoke with several parents following your talk at the school, who said they were physically impacted by your words and would be changing their behaviours toward suicide prevention in future.”

For further details and to book The Jordan Legacy to speak at your event, please email: hello@thejordanlegacy.com

The Jordan Legacy is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC). We do not charge fees for our talks. Instead, we ask that you consider providing a donation to support our work in suicide prevention. The amount of the donations we receive for our talks varies and we would be happy to provide you with further information about this. Please email: hello@thejordanlegacy.com

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