Moving Towards a Zero Suicide Society - A practical shared vision

This past event was an opportunity to hear about the action research project this report draws from and the actions many have told The Jordan Legacy will reduce the number of suicides.

On 11 July 2023 – Jordan’s 38th birthday! – The Jordan Legacy published the report ‘Moving Towards a Zero Suicide Society’, mapping out what a Zero Suicide Society would look like.

On Wednesday, August 9th and again on Tuesday the 15th, we held a live webinar event.

This event was an opportunity to hear about the action research project this report draws from and the actions many have told us will reduce the number of suicides.

It was also an opportunity for those attending to input their ideas and suggestions and hear how to be involved further as the project develops from here.

You can view a recording of this event on YouTube here:

You can access the slide deck from this event here:

The core purpose of The Jordan Legacy is to help reduce the number of suicides in the UK and help us move towards a Zero Suicide Society.

On launching our action research project and new strategy (and new website) in January 2023, we had a summary definition of a Zero Suicide Society:

“a society that is willing and able to do all it can to prevent all preventable suicides”.

We have now been able to flesh out in quite some detail what this means in practice.

Since January 2023, The Jordan Legacy has been conducting a series of in-depth interviews with many who have experience of suicide, either personally or through the work they do to intervene or help prevent suicides. Further information can be found here in our article ‘Believing in Change, Collaborating for Change‘.

Following the many interviews and conversations we’ve had so far, we’re now able to share what key actions are deemed to be required to significantly reduce the number of suicides in the UK, presented in the form of a desired state map of what a Zero Suicide Society looks like.

Will you support our action-research project?

This event is free for you to attend, although we would welcome any financial donation to enable us to continue our work. Donations can be made to our JustGiving page here or by credit/debit card or PayPal via our website here.


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