Recording of: Retreats and safe spaces to support mental wellbeing – Event February 2021
“What would you do if you won the lottery?” This was the question Jordan’s girlfriend, Charlotte, asked him, a few months before he took his own life. Jordan’s response suprised Charlotte – instead of saying I’d buy a sports car or a fancy house, he said “I’d build a retreat where people, who are struggling with their mental health could come to get well again”
That brief conversation has inspired us at The Jordan Legacy CIC to ensure we make Jordan’s vision become a reality.
On Friday, February 26th 2021, The Jordan Legacy held a live panel discussion with insights provided by leaders/founders of organisations who have created or are in the process of planning their own retreat or community safe space.
A retreat or safe space can be a purpose built facility, where people are referred to or somewhere they can simply drop into, if their mental health is suffering, with or without an appointment. Safe spaces can be physical locations or virtual experiences, their purpose is the same – to provide a space for people who feel unwell to come and get well again.
Topics discussed during this event were:
- What is a retreat or safe space?
- How do retreats and safe spaces make a tangible difference to those struggling with their mental health?
- What needs to be considered before embarking on such a project?
- How do you develop and implement a plan to create your retreat or safe space?
- What are the challenges you might need to anticipate along the way?
- What are the rewards if your project is successful?

Our panel members shared some highly emotional and impactful stories about their journey’s and they included:
Debbie Rogers – Founder of Sean’s Place CIC (Liverpool)
Ellen O’Donoghue – CEO of James’ Place (London and Liverpool)
Chukumeka (Chukes) Maxwell – Action to Prevent Suicide CIC and Goodwill Farm, (Devon)
Leslie Kulperger – Founder of Myles Ahead (Toronto, Canada)
Natalie Howarth – Director of The Maytree Respite Centre (London)
Jason Rich – The Listening Cafe (Watford)
Charlotte Heathcote – Psychologist – The Jordan Legacy CIC
Amanda Vickers – Consultant to social enterprises and charities
Paul Vittles – The Jordan Legacy CIC
Steve Phillip – Founder of The Jordan Legacy CIC
Viewing the recording of this event will appeal to you, if mental wellbeing is important to you; you are considering creating a retreat or safe space; you are interested in learning more about such safe spaces for your own mental wellbeing or for someone you know.