Let’s Talk about Suicide?!

Talking about suicide and suicide prevention is at the heart of preventing suicides, and yet so many people shy away from this (potentially life-saving) conversation. So let’s not shy away, let’s talk!

In the Spring of 2022, The Jordan Legacy CIC partnered with MEL Research to carry out a survey among a representative sample of 1531 UK adults (aged 18+) to make sure we had some up-to-date figures which could inform conversations around mental health, suicide and suicide prevention. We’d like to thank MEL Research for their generous support and professional service in partnering with The Jordan Legacy to make this survey happen.

In suicide prevention, a valuable practical action is talking about suicide — learning how to have that conversation, and then having that conversation — so, in that sense, talk is action!

When approaching MEL Research to undertake this survey, we wanted to ask questions relating to suicide which aren’t typically asked in other surveys. These questions uncovered information from a sample of more than 1500 adults, aged 18+, living in the UK, such as; two in five UK adults (42%) saying they have at some point had thoughts about taking their own life; one in five (20%) have ‘seriously considered’ suicide; one in eight (12%) have gone a stage further and planned how they would end their life; and one in fourteen (7%) say they have made a suicide attempt.

To view this research in full and the accompanying article, written and published by The Jordan Legacy’s former collaborative partner Paul Vittles, please follow this link.

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