Show 36 – The Zero Suicide Society Transformation Programme – an interview with Paul Vittles.

For this week’s episode of Jordan’s Space, we have literally turned the tables on one of our co-hosts!

For the past 35 shows, Paul Vittles has been used to co-hosting Jordan’s Space and asking insightful questions of our guests but for this episode, he’s on the receiving end of my questions.

During this episode, you’ll hear Paul:

▶ talking openly about his own mental breakdown following the death of his father, the crisis experienced when his son was diagnosed with a brain tumour and the experience, in 2020, of a suicide in his immediate family.

▶ explain how a serious case of burnout saw him and his wife make a complete lifestyle change and move to Australia, where they stayed for 15 years.

▶ explain how he threw himself into suicide prevention professionally in Australia, putting national strategies in place, setting up a national suicide prevention research fund and much more, including speaking at TEDxSydney about digital life saving.

▶ talk about how he started working with the Zero Suicide Movement across the world and in transformational change, professionally.

▶ clarify what the Zero Suicide movement is really about and the transformation model he published in 2020, which The Jordan Legacy CIC adopted.

▶ explain what to expect from the rolling out of The Jordan Legacy’s “Moving Towards a Zero Suicide Society”, report and strategy co-created with Paul and the #JoinTheDots tour, conference and festival happening this June. More information via this link.

If you’ve connected with Paul but never really recognised the incredible breadth of knowledge and experience of suicide that he has, then I would highly recommend you have a listen to this episode of Jordan’s Space hear why the #JoinTheDots tour is anticipated to be major breakthrough in suicide prevention.

Listen to the entire show below, including music tracks specially chosen by Paul

Listen to the show via Yowah Radio’s Podbean channel – this version is the interview only and no music

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