BBC Radio York’s poet laureate and singer song writer create the theme tune to suicide prevention

If there was a theme tune to our work in suicide prevention, it would probably include the words; ‘Please stay’

In December 2021, BBC Radio Yorkshire poet laureate, Olivia Mulligan, stood on stage at The Jordan Legacy’s first ever Hope for Life (UK) Conference and read a poem she had written especially for that day. It’s called ‘Stay’.

Also at that conference and providing music and vocals, was Melody Reed of Live Band Entertainment Limited. Melody was so taken with the poem that she got together with Olivia and created a version of Stay to music. The result is this stunning song that you can now stream online and download.

To download Stay will cost you only pence. Would you consider going one step further – when you purchase and download your copy of Stay and reflect on Jordan and others we have lost or those we might lose to suicide (18 people every day in the UK) would you donate a little extra to support our work at The Jordan Legacy?

Listen to and download ‘Stay’ here.

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Melody and Olivia have donated their time and their hearts to create Stay for all those who are struggling to let them know we really want them to stay here on this earth.

Watch the video of the full song and the words of the original poem below




To the brother, to the uncle
To the friend we love and know
To the cousin, the step-son
Bravely putting on a show

As we look towards the sunrise
Remembering you each day
Your legacy was born
& in our hearts you’ll stay

As we look towards the sunrise
We know there was another way
To others fighting in silence
We’re asking you to stay

To the mother, to the aunty,
To the one who’s not ok
To the daughter, to the best friend
We’re asking you to stay

To the grandson, to the boyfriend
To the one so very strong
Please stay to see the sunrise
Here with us, in this world, you belong


BBC Radio York’s poet laureate and singer song writer create the theme tune to suicide prevention

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