Suicide First Aid (Open-Online) Courses

At The Jordan Legacy, we are really pleased to announce that we are now able to provide Suicide First Aid Courses, delivered by our partner, Steve Carr  of MindCanyon.

Most people thinking of suicide do not want their lives to end, they want the pain to stop, therefore….

Most people thinking about suicide let others know, consciously or unconsciously.

Therefore if we knew the signs and how to respond…

Suicide has to be one of the most preventable deaths.

Talking or even listening to somebody talk about suicide can be scary, and sadly many folk think that asking a person if they’re thinking about suicide it may plant the idea in their head, this is a myth.

Steve teaches the theory and practice of suicide intervention skills that can be applied in any professional or personal setting, captured in a one-day event accredited by City and Guilds of London.

This is the UK’s only externally accredited suicide prevention programme, on the Regulated Qualification Framework, this is the UK’s National Qualification in Suicide Prevention.

Course Content:

SFAUSI is comprised of 4 parts, each approximately 90 minutes duration.

The programme teaches and practices the skills and knowledge needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide and competently intervene to help create suicide safety as a first-aid approach.

Methods Of Learning:

This is a 6 hour (over 2 days) online course, using tutor-facilitated class-based learning, tutor-led group work and audio-visual presentations.

Who should attend?

Multi-sector practitioners including health, housing, social care, education, criminal justice, call centre operators, private, voluntary and public sector workers and community member.

Course fee

The fee for this 2-day course is just £155 and tickets can be booked via this Eventbrite link: Click here.

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