Please support our #JustAnotherNumber Crowdfunding Campaign

Help us introduce practical solutions in our schools, workplaces and communities to prevent the 120 deaths by suicide each week in the UK.

On December 4th 2019, Jordan Phillip took his own life at his home following a recent bout of depression.

Please support our #JustAnotherNumber crowdfunding campaign. 

You can make your monthly donation here

Jordan was described as the kind of person who would light up a room when he walked into it and his friends told us that his dance moves were legendary! Yet, Jordan kept his mental health diagnosis private and secret from many of those who loved and cared about him and on that December day he died by suicide aged 34.

Jordan’s death is included in the suicide statistics for 2020 but he was not #JustAnotherNumber, he was not just another suicide statistic.

Consider these numbers for a moment.

Suicide is the biggest killer of men and women under 35 – not cancer or diabetes, not heart attack or even road traffic accidents – in the UK, you are more likely die at your own hand before you reach 35 than by any other cause of death.

6000+ is another number, it’s the number of men, women and children who die by suicide in the UK each year

Another number for you to contemplate; suicide being the biggest killer of men under 50.

Here is yet another number: In January 2023, the NHS announced that more than 1 million children and young people were referred to Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) during 2022 – a record high! That’s equivalent to the entire population of the city of Birmingham in the UK all being referred to mental health services in a single year!

Each statistic shared here might seem like #JustAnotherNumber that it’s hard for you to relate to?

Please support our #JustAnotherNumber crowdfunding campaign. 

You can make your monthly donation here

Those who die by suicide are not just another number though – they are people who had the potential to thrive in life, who in most cases did not want to die, they simply couldn’t continue living with the feelings of physical or mental pain they were enduring or the sense of entrapment or hopelessness that was overwhelming them.

#JustAnotherNumber is our Crowdfunding Campaign to enable you to support The Jordan Legacy CIC , which was established in Jordan’s memory to increase awareness and deliver practical solutions to prevent suicides in our schools, workplaces and in our communities.

This is how your donation of £5, £10 or £20 per month can make a difference.

£5 – “Research of more than 1500 UK adults (aged 18+) showed that 5% had seriously considered suicide and made a plan for how they would end their own life. Your £5 a month will help us continually develop our suicide prevention initiatives and support those 5% who are risk of ending their lives.”

£10 – 200 school children, as young as 10,  die by suicide in the UK every year. Your £10 will enable us to deliver more talks and suicide prevention initiatives in schools.”

£20 – The Jordan Legacy’s own research has identified that 20% (1-in-5) of the population have ‘seriously considered’ suicidal thoughts at some point – your £20 will ensure that we can continue work in collaboration with others to prevent these thoughts turning to actions.

“I can’t afford to donate monthly but will my one-off donation still be helpful?” Yes, absolutely – The Jordan Legacy relies on any form of donation to be able to continue our work. Without such support, we would be unable to continue to deliver our suicide prevention activities.

This is where you can make your donation here

Every suicide and mental health statistic is not #JustAnotherNumber, it represents real people with feelings and emotions, who had friends, family and loved ones, with careers ahead of them, with opportunities to lead a fulfilling life – what was missing was hope.

By supporting our #JustAnotherNumber campaign you will be helping us to fund The Jordan Legacy’s work to prevent all preventable suicides.

We need your help (today!)

Please support our #JustAnotherNumber crowdfunding campaign. 

You can make your monthly donation here

Donations are made via PayPal – you may need your account login and password to hand)

Our suicide prevention objectives are not just a one year initiative. We have a long-term vision to do whatever we can to see the suicide numbers move on a downward trajectory and not to remain static as they have done for past 15 years.

Don’t let anyone you love and care about become #JustAnotherNumber.

Please support our mission to significantly reduce suicides in the UK, choose the donation amount you’re most comfortable with and we will keep you personally informed of our progress.

The Jordan Legacy is a not-for-profit business with purpose. We are a registered (Registered No. 12784768) Community Interest Company (CIC). All income received goes toward our mission of seeking ways of better supporting those who are feeling a sense of entrapment and hopelessness and, specifically, to reduce the number of lives being lost to suicide.

If you would like to support any of our other projects, please get in touch here

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