I have poor mental health
Feeling anxious, tense, afraid or having a low mood can be quite common symptoms during worrying or challenging times – most people feel anxious at some point but if these feelings begin to affect your life you may need support. It’s not always easy to spot whether you are suffering with a mental health problem but there are some common signs which are worth you being alert to.
Do you require more urgent crisis support?
This page provides general advice for someone who has poor mental health. If you are concerned that you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please click this link to visit our ‘Dealing with suicidal thoughts‘ Help & Resources website page.
Reducing the stigma around mental health.
A guide from York Ending Stigma:
Stigma plays a significant part in some people not being able to talk about their mental health and how they’re really feeling.
The guide, accessible via the link immediately below, is designed by lived experience and provides short references to defining mental health stigma and suggesting some things that we could potentially all do, whether we experience mental ill-health or not, to help reduce mental health stigma.
Here’s the guide: YES-How can I reduce mental-health stigma guide
Here are some signs to look out for if you’re concerned about your own mental health or that of someone else:
Physical symptoms
- You feel tired most of the time
- Your heartbeat is consistently faster or more irregular than usual
- You often feel lightheaded or you are experiencing dizziness
- You’re experiencing constant headaches, chest pains or muscle tension
- You have a loss of appetite
Emotional symptoms
- You’re feeling anxious, tense, angry or afraid
- You’re often tearful and your mood is constantly low
- You’ve become particularly sensitive to criticism
- You’re lacking in confidence and self-esteem
Cognitive symptoms
- You are often feeling tense or nervous
- You find you’re unable to relax
- You’re becoming forgetful, finding it hard to concentrate and making mistakes
- You are worrying more, particular about the past or the future
- You suddenly find yourself being tearful
- You are struggling to sleep
Changes in behaviour
- You’re no longer enjoying leisure time
- You’re not looking after yourself – eating, showering, grooming
- You appetite has changed and you may be over or under eating
- You don’t seem to be able to concentrate at work
- You’re finding it difficult to maintain relationships
- You’re worried about trying new things
- You easily and frequently become angry and short-tempered
Most of these symptoms are typical of someone suffering with high levels of stress and some degree of anxiety. Of course, if these symptoms become more severe and include feelings of dread, hopelessness or even suicidal ideation, then you could be experiencing anxiety or even depression.
It’s important to seek help if these symptoms escalate or persist for any period longer than 2 weeks.

Here are some suggestions from the NHS which may help to reduce the sense of anxiety you are feeling:
- Try talking about your feelings to a friend, family member, health professional or counsellor. You could also contact Samaritans, call: 116 123 or email: jo@samaritans.org if you need someone to talk to
- Use calming breathing exercises
- Exercise – activities such as running, walking, swimming and yoga can help you relax
- Find out how to get to sleep if you’re struggling to sleep
- Eat a healthy diet with regular meals to keep your energy levels stable
- Consider peer support, where people use their experiences to help each other. Find out more about peer support on the Mind website
- Listen to free mental wellbeing audio guides
- Search and download relaxation and mindfulness apps or online community apps from the NHS apps library
If you are extremely worried about your mental state or that of someone else, please visit this page on our website.