Famous Yorkshire Brand Bettys and Taylors of Harrogate

Known to many as the home of Bettys famous tearooms, Yorkshire Tea and Taylors own famous coffee brand, we were thrilled when their employees chose The Jordan Legacy as their charity of the year for 2022!

During 2022, employees undertook a wide range of fundraising activities to support our work in suicide prevention, including a ‘Gig-Night’ in a bar in Harrogate town centre with several bands performing, a pet fancy dress competition (which The Jordan Legacy judged!), a cycleathon, a 10k run and a five-a-side football competition and much more.

This video was created by Taylors to celebrate supporting The Jordan Legacy as their charity of the year. It features a conversation between The Jordan Legacy’s founder, Steve Phillip and Taylor’s employee and Steve’s stepdaughter Mélanie Fuller.

Thank you to everyone at Bettys and Taylors for your amazing support during 2022.

Famous Yorkshire Brand Bettys and Taylors of Harrogate

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