Suicide survivor takes on the 2024 London Marathon to support our cause

On 26th February 2024, Reece Calvert, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, launched his fundraising campaign to support The Jordan Legacy, exactly one year to the day after he made an attempt to end his own life, following a long period of struggling with an alcohol addiction.

On 27th of February this year, he will be one year sober and also quit smoking and gambling because of the devastating impact these addictions were having on his mental health.

Reece explains; “All the time I experienced these addictions, I was trying to stop but found there was barely any help or support available. Or if there was, I didn’t know where it was or how to access it. Improving mental health and supporting others who are experiencing the kind of problems I’ve been through is really important to me. I want to show those who are struggling that there is hope, no matter how low they are and how hopeless they might be feeling”.

Why take on just one marathon when you can do 4?!! 

As if running the London Marathon isn’t enough, Reece is taking on a 52k ultra marathon on March 16th, then the London Marathon on April 21st, followed by the Edinburgh Marathon on May 26th. Then (incredibly!), he’s going to complete his epic fundraising challenge by undertaking the 70 mile ultra marathon along Hadrian’s wall three weeks later!

The Jordan Legacy has seen people taking on some incredible challenges to help raise funds to support our work in preventing suicides but Reece’s efforts seem to be at a whole new level!

Please support Reece’s goal to raise £1500 by visiting his JustGiving crowdfunding page here.

Suicide survivor takes on the 2024 London Marathon to support our cause

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