Wetherby based Triton Group support The Jordan Legacy

Triton Group has been providing security and facilities management to some of the UK’s biggest businesses since 2003. In July 2023, Triton’s Commercial Director, Lauren Paver, got in touch with Steve via LinkedIn.

Lauren explained how deeply touched she was by the work The Jordan Legacy was doing in Jordan’s memory. Within days, Lauren set up a meeting with Steve and other members from Triton’s team to look at what they could do to support our work in moving towards a Zero Suicide Society.

Not one for mincing her words, during their meeting, Lauren asked Steve; “What have you got planned next Thursday?!” Triton were scheduled to host their first ever company golf tournament on 17th August, at Headlingley Golf Club, Leeds, less than a mile from Jordan’s home.

More than 40 players took part in the competition, all male and a large number were employed in the Construction Industry, a sector which tragically accounts for around 10%of all suicides in the UK.

The day began in the club house with Steve delivering a 15 minute talk, sharing Jordan’s story and explaining about The Jordan Legacy’s work. The room was silent as Steve went on to explain how someone working in construction was up to 6 times more likely to die by suicide than by an accident and that between 2014-2021, construction has seen a 31% increase in suicides.

As the players, headed out onto the course, many of them came up to speak with Steve during the day to donate money to support our cause and also share their own lived experience stories. One player explained how his father had died by suicide only one month earlier and another told Steve that he had lost 5 of his work colleagues and friends to suicide. By the end of the day, more than £700 had been donated to The Jordan Legacy in cash.

A massive thank you to Lauren, James, Ruth, Tom and the rest of the Triton team for your wonderful support.

For more information about Triton Group, please visit their website here.

Wetherby based Triton Group support The Jordan Legacy

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