Show 26 The 9 Essential Human Needs – an interview with Andy McMenemy of Peak Personal Performance.

Possibly one of our most inspiring interviews yet. Listen to this week’s Jordan’s Space, as we speak with Andy McMenemy , Founder of Peak Personal Performance, as he talks about the change which happened in his life after collapsing in his shower following a severe bout of workplace stress.

Following that significant health scare, Andy then made a series of life-changing decisions which led to him discovering the 9 Essential Human Needs. He will explain that when we don’t get these essential needs met they can cause us to experience chronic stress and emotional dysregulation, which in some cases becomes so serious that we start to lose our ability to feel in control of life, leading to clinical anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts.

On numerous occasions, The Jordan Legacy has referred people to Andy who have been experiencing strong suicidal thoughts. Each of those are now getting on very well with their lives.

Steve also asks Andy about what Hope means to him and Andy’s reply? “Hope never dies. It’s always there. Sometimes that little candle of hope can be a flickering flame, but we can give it oxygen, we can help it to grow, and it can turn into a furnace that will fire us.”

A must listen to show if you feel like your life is not on track and you’re not achieving what you feel you deserve to have happen in your life.

Listen to the entire show below, including music tracks, which mean something special to Andy

Listen to the show via Yowah Radio’s Podbean channel – this version is the interview only and no music

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