Show 9. ‘Speaking up and the need for a safe and supportive environment’ with Matt Caruana

What leads a young person at just 12 years old to lose all hope? Our guest for this show is a young man from Sydney, Australia, Matt Caruana.  In January 2016, aged just 16, Matt made an attempt to end his own life, which resulted in 35 injuries, including a severed spinal cord. He awoke from a coma 2 weeks later.

Matt’s very open interview with Jordan’s Space explores why, from the age of 12, Matt felt a complete lack of connection in the world and a total lack of reason to be alive. In a powerful message of hope, Matt also explains how a chance encounter with a total stranger following his suicide attempt, totally changed his view of life. He also talks about how he now delivers talks to schools and health care professionals across Australia and internationally, sharing his story to provide hope to other young people who may have lost theirs.

Listen to the entire show below, including music tracks, which mean something special to Matt

Listen to the show via Yowah Radio’s Podbean channel – this version is the interview only and no music:

To learn more about Matt, his story and the work he does, visit his website here

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