Show 18: Life as as an armed forces child and mental health – Interview with Aaron Clark.

How might growing up with a father who’s in the armed forces and away for much of your childhood affect your mental health and create higher than usual expectations of yourself?

In this episode of Jordan’s Space Aaron Clark, will share his story and how as a Forces’ child, he felt he had to be ‘the man of the house’. As these pressures and expectations developed they led to Aaron experiencing clinical anxiety and depression, as well as suicidal thoughts.

As Aaron grew up, he became the first of his family for generations to not join any of the armed services, instead channelling his experiences to work with SSAFA the Armed Forces charity, as well as setting up AMC Education & Health, an organisation, designing, creating and delivering mental health training workshops in schools, colleges, charities and sports establishments.

Aaron is also Chair of a non-league football team, specifically formed to support players and fans with their mental health and he’ll talk about the role sports can play in supporting those who are struggling with their mental health, a topic that Paul and Steve will reflect upon at the beginning of this episode.

Listen to the entire show below, including music tracks, which mean something special to Aaron

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