Show 25 Mental health & why the term ‘recovery’ is laden with expectation – An interview with Louisa Rose, CEO of Beyond.

“At 16 years old, I couldn’t sleep or eat. I didn’t have enough energy to lift a fork and my Mum had to feed me.”

“In the early stages of motherhood, I began to have intrusive thoughts about my children and whether they were safe in my care”

These are the words of Louisa Rose, CEO of the charity Beyond. On this week’s Jordan’s Space, from The Jordan Legacy CIC, Danielle, Paul and I interview Louisa, who shares her inspiring story of living with more than one mental illness from being a young child.

In 2021, Louisa, met Jonny Benjamin MBE, co-founder of the charity Beyond and he asked her to help launch what is still the only UK wide online school’s festival, subscribed to by more than 1200 education centres each year and over one million young people, educators and parents – the next Beyond festival is happening 7th February 2024.

This show will be of particular interest to schools and parents, particularly those who are concerned or even worried about their childrens’ mental health and wellbeing. Louisa’s interview will also be of help to any young people who might be trying to understand why they feel different and perhaps don’t fit in (often in other’s opinions) with society’s norms. This a wonderfully open and frank account of a young person growing up with mental ill-health.

Dani, Paul and Steve also introduce the show by talking about the importance of the suicide prevention charity sector collaborating towards a common mission of moving towards a Zero Suicide Society.

Listen to the entire show below, including music tracks, which mean something special to Louisa

Listen to the show via Yowah Radio’s Podbean channel – this version is the interview only and no music

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